Practice Areas
Attorney Fee Deferrals
Plaintiff attorneys have the option of placing all or a portion of their contingency fees in different forms of tax-favored investments. By doing this, an attorney may also defer the tax obligation by electing to delay payment of fees until the year in which payments are distributed.​​​
Wrongful Death
Structured settlements are often distributed as repayment for personal and financial loss from claims of wrongful death and medical malpractice. A negotiated settlement is a reliable financial tool that distributes a steady stream of income to reduce financial debt and provide financial stability for plaintiffs and their families.​​​
Mass Torts
Mass tort settlements are structured in such a way that each individual's case facts are evaluated on its own merits, including exposure, causation, injuries, and damages. Each individual is able to make his/her own decision after hearing the terms of the proposed settlement.​​​​
Medical Malpractice
Medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States. In some unfortunate cases, health care providers can do more harm than good. In this instance, injured patients or the families of deceased patients can sue for medical malpractice. A structured settlement is a common way to compensate family members who claim loved ones were victims of medical malpractice.​
Child & Sexual Abuse
Working with a structured settlement consultant you can trust, you’ll be able to focus on ways the settlement amount can make meaningful improvements in your life. As part of the settlement planning process, we go through the basics of financial planning, whether that be focusing on paying down student debt, planning to make a down payment on a home someday, or thinking ahead to retirement.
Personal Injury
Structured settlements provide a variety of advantages for beneficiaries.They can protect the person by helping ensure that the settlement award isn’t quickly depleted, which may be a danger if the family is not used to possessing significant assets or runs into future financial troubles. By providing a steady stream of income, structured settlements offer a layer of protection against poor investment decisions.